Offsyte Landing Page Redesign | Figma

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Some portions of this project aren’t public due to NDA with the client, such as user research and other design assets.

Project Overview

Final Product

The Challenge

Offsyte is a virtual and in-person team building events provider, on a mission to improve company culture and employee experiences through authentic and engaging experiences. 

The current landing page features a simple header and call-to-action button that leads the user to all available team events. This requires the user to sift through events manually and with limited filters down later in the user journey.

With several competitors in the virtual team event space, Offsyte needs to promise and deliver the easiest and quickest booking experience. This will lead to higher conversion rates and client retention, allowing this startup to continue to grow.

The Solution

I started this project by researching competitors in the industry. This led me to assessing websites for other virtual team event providers. The biggest takeaway was the need to design an Airbnb style search bar on the landing page, allowing users to quickly find events that met their team needs and budget.

Additionally, competitors kept to a minimalist design, but used light or gradient backgrounds to step away from plain white backgrounds. I adopted Offsyte’s warm palette, which already differentiates them as a friendlier, more authentic brand, and used this to warm up the landing page overall.

Before and After

Before (on the left) shows the current Offsyte website. After (on the right) is my mockup of the landing page above the fold.

Next Steps

With more resources, I could conduct user research with customers of Offsyte as well as competitors to learn more about what users are looking for in their event booking experience. The basis for this redesign is by borrowing design solutions from highly successful digital experiences (like Airbnb).

Additionally, creating an interactive prototype that can be tested on users would be a great way to see if my proposed design solutions work in the real world. Would Offsyte experience higher conversion rates? More repeat client bookings? I’d love to deliver designs with more resources and data to back them up.