Hire Goldie

Goldie Chan needed to find an in-house role that fit her skillset and career goals. Over the course of a month, we collaborated on designing and building out a resume webpage.

This project won the GOLD Social Media Award from MarCom Awards in November 2021.

Project Overview


Goldie Chan is a global speaker, leader, strategist, and creative in the personal branding space. After many years of working through her own agency, she wanted to be in a role where she could think bigger.


The client had created a rough design of what she envisioned her resume webpage should look like. She wanted to create a unique layout with playful animations.

The client’s website is built and hosted on Webflow, so I created a new page with new classes to accommodate different visual branding. Using flex box properties, I developed a mosaic layout, paired with animations so that each tile faded into the page, one by one.


Web Designer and Developer


1 month


  • New webpage design
  • PDF version of resume webpage



Canva, Webflow, Affinity Designer