Jess Goes West

Jess Goes West is a comedy web series created by Céline Tshika. After being brought onto video streaming platforms, we created a dedicated page for viewers, where they could learn more about the show and how to watch it at home.

Project Overview


Jess Goes West is a comedy web series. After helping creator, Céline Tshika, build out a portfolio website, we decided to create a page dedicated to the web series in order to better promote it. We needed to concisely and beautifully represent the show, and make it easy for users to access streaming platforms.


The client provided access to the previously built site (Wix), in order to give me guidance on visual elements such as color and fonts.

Using the client’s portfolio site, we created a subpage, complete with its own branding. The page features video content, BTS photos, social media links, and links out to platforms viewers can watch the show on.


Web Designer + Developer


1 month


  • Web page design
  • Web page build out



WordPress, Elementor, Affinity Designer