Kurt’s Historic Sites

Kurt’s Historic Sites has been grave hunting for over a decade. After their previous webhost lost all the website data, Kurt was in need of a new, easy to update website to record his historical adventures.

Project Overview


Kurt’s Historic Sites is a hands-on history project, focused primarily on U.S. presidential history. We needed to build a robust WordPress website that is easy to update and uses templates to reduce build time as the site grows.


The client was interested in using one of my pre-built Elementor website templates, and hiring me to create a few custom solutions.

The website data had been completely wiped by the previous webhost. The client organized photos and historical counts, while I created repeatable templates in Elementor using WordPress. I provided live guidance as well as a video tutorial library to help the client grow with their site.


Web Designer + Developer


2 months


  • Agua de Vida website template
  • Blog post templates
  • Category page templates
  • Color and font styling



WordPress, Elementor Pro, GreenGeeks, GeoMaps Plugin